Session focused on two major topics:
1) Technology, Society and Global Dominance
2) Technology and Human Development.
Session 2a
Session began with a short video: History of the World in 7minutes. A clear cut demonstration of how dominant players of the world are changing. Professor introduced a framework of thinking where ge split countries into 3 categories: Rising Star, Dominant player and a Falling Star. The rapid change in dominant players was further depicted by the changes in world economy over the millenium.
Key Takeaways
What caught my attention, for the first half of the lesson was the fact that a Dominant player can be a Rising Star or Falling Star. This is easily differentiated by the overall attitude of the country, and not their aptitude. Look at the Americans: Dominat player, but a falling star, a simple example on how they deal with their sovereign debt can tell about their country's attitude to face the music. Heavy resistance in the politcal arena results in stagnation.
Issues for Further Discussion
Then again looking back, the issue about America being a dominant player, but a falling star, could be seen as a result of herself being a super power playing too big a role in safeguarding the small nations. Should we review this issue and reassess if America is a dominant player or not?
Session 2b
On the 2nd part of the lesson, class touched on Technology and Human Development, where development is a change in human activity based on an impact assessment, for example how a driver or consequence such as technology impact human lives.
We took a look at Global Health, largely based on life expectancy, literacy, income and size of population. We also looked at the changes in human inequalities, and how this disparity is closing in. This is assessed with the help of the Human Development Index. Lessons then ended about the Millennium and development growth goals
Key Takeaways
From the lesson, I believe that human inequality exist, and cannot be eradicated due to competitiveness; a innate character of human. Although this inequality cannot be eradicated, we can reduce this disparity through education, boost our ability to understand and attempt to catch up this human race. I also introduced to the class how embracing foreign talents can allow society to understand and close the disparity of human inequality.
Issues for further discussion
What caught my attention was the use of Human Development Index to rank countries base on Human Development. I find this method of quantifying welfare of the state as generally intriguing, however, I wish that the class could discuss this issue further by thinking about how we can assess the satisfactory level of society, for example the use of happiness index?
I enjoyed this lesson, very informative, a lot of class interaction, that I fail to bring up with this blog post such as the individual presentations. I rate this session 9/10.
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