How far will human go with imagination?
I doubt we will ever see the edge of imagination as we use existing knowledge to further our demands satisfy our needs. The variety of approach to the future can be based on models, where we assess the varying factors that will affect what we hope to achieve and how we can avoid the pitfalls so that we can shorten the time required to achieve our goals. Nonethless, we must always expect the unexpected. Wildcard scenarios are bound to occur as we move along the line of progress.
Already we can see a change of how progress is done, where we start to think about how our advancement can affect us by looking at the social context. We drivers of change such as climate change, society is looking into ways to progress, without affecting the nature. We are constantly assessing if the benefits of a particular change will outweigh the negative effects before moving ahead. However, as much as we hope to eliminate the negative effects, it seems to be the trade off that comes hand in hand with human progress.
As I mentioned earlier in my previous entry, technology is starting to integrate into our lives by providing that personal touch. Take a look at the new gaming world.
Ultimate Battlefield 3 Simulator
A real life simulator that will be a whole new level of gaming. All your 5 senses totally focused on the game. Apart from the basic senses that involve gaming, sight and sound, this time round, you will feel pain, you will taste your sweat. Ultimately, you will feel fear. There's no need to deny it, a player will be in the game, totally. We won't be that superman anymore where a simple restart will allow you to continue where you died. All it takes is to commercialise the above technology, and trust me, it will new toys that our kids will be playing with.
If you think that the world of matrix is not possible, think again.
TWC has really opened my eyes to the world in a whole new angle. What I was ignorant about previously is now part of my life. No regrets, for this module.
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